Did you know?
If a Rose Glow Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow') is planted in the shade, its foliage will be much greener than those planted in the sun.
Up to 6 feet tall
Flowers, Fruit, Foliage
Small yellow flowers are inconspicuous. Fruit are small, bright red berries. Leaves emerge as a rose color with maroon splotches and mature to a deep red-purple shade.
Pests & Diseases
Bacterial leaf spot, anthracnose, root rot, aphids, webworm, scale
Landscape Use
Great as a hedge, border, or accent
Care Practices
Plant in moist, well-drained soil in an area with full sun. These cold hardy shrubs tolerate moderate drought and pollution, but are not extremely heat tolerant. The sharp, thorny branches often get litter and small wind-blown objects stuck in them.
Native Range